Frequently Asked Questions


Why did i not receive my Weekly Digest email?

Most likely it has been snagged by your junk mail filters. Check in your junk/spam folder just to be sure. To ensure your email software doesn’t filter out my emails again make sure to add my contact to your address book. The address you need to add is If you are a GMAIL, or HOTMAIL user, their spam filters are a lot more ruthless and sporadic. Make sure to check folders like “PROMOTIONS” etc. This is where a lot of my subscribers find their digest. If you still cannot find your email, you can download a PDF version of the digest every week at your billing control panel HERE. Just log in & go to “Available Downloads” to get your digest. This PDF version is created specifically for gmail & hotmail users who cannot bypass their spam settings.

How do i unsubscribe from the mailing list?

To unsubscribe from any of my mailing lists simply log into your billing control panel HERE & toggle off the auto renew function on your payment. This will stop recurring payments from being taken & your subscription will naturally expire. You may receive a few auto reminders in the days leading up to your final expiration date, but you can ignore these. IMPORTANT NOTE! Sometimes on mobile devices you may see a little note at the top of an email that says something like: “This email is from a mailing list. Click here to unsubscribe” This DOES NOT change your billing preferences & is not a sufficient way of closing off a paid subscription service.

Is there a minimum subscription period?

No, you can unsubscribe at any time.

I have signed up, where is your property database?

I do not maintain a property database.

Are you an Estate Agent?


Do you receive a commission when a house sells?


Do Agents pay you listing fees?


Do i have to pay you if i find my house on your site?


What price range are your houses?

We normally only choose houses under €100k. On the very rare ocassion that we choose a home over €100k it needs to be very good value. Like maybe a manor house for €125k etc.

How many property suggestions can i expect to receive in the Property Digest each week?

We aim for a minimum of 20 properties spread over the whole of Ireland, North & South each week. Sometimes we can have 50+ properties other times it can be less.